The Rho Epsilon Analyst Program
The Rho Epsilon Analyst Program is a comprehensive nine-week technical training bootcamp designed to provide students with an in-depth exploration of a wide-ranging real estate investment curriculum.
Our Analyst Program was founded by UIUC students to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and practical industry skills. Covering multiple aspects of the real estate business, the program involves in-depth conversations on fundamental market analysis, understanding financial terminology, and developing rudimentary Excel models to discover investment opportunities.
By participating in interactive classroom sessions, Rho Epsilon Analysts partake in a hands-on program that concludes with a mock investment committee pitch presentation.
The Mock Investment Pitch
Throughout the nine-week analyst training bootcamp, along with the introductory commercial real estate curriculum, students will be collaborating in teams of 3-4 to pitch a multifamily acquisition with a given amount of capital.
The purpose behind the mock investment pitch is to highlight student’s understanding of concepts learned in the analyst classroom. Through their due diligence process of the acquisition, students will demonstrate their understanding of market research and financial analysis.
Rho Epsilon Analyst investment proposals will be evaluated by a mock investment committee consisting of Rho Epsilon Analyst leadership, UIUC real estate faculty, and industry professionals.
*The analyst program is a required bootcamp for newly admitted members of Rho Epsilon Student Real Estate Association

Clarification Statement: The Rho Epsilon Analyst Program is the underclassmen analyst program for Rho Epsilon Student Real Estate Association at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Applicants selected to join Rho Epsilon will participate in both Tuesday meetings and Thursday Analyst bootcamp sessions.